News: I will start as an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in Fall 2024. Openings will be available in my group for motivated students and postdocs interested in quantum computational science.

I am currently a DuBridge Postdoctoral Scholar at the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics at Caltech, hosted by John Preskill.

I received my PhD in Physics from Harvard University under the guidance of Mikhail Lukin. Previously, I obtained my BSc in Physics and Mathematics at MIT, where I also worked with Edward Farhi.

My research interests are at the interface of physics, math, and computer science, touching on many topics in quantum information theory, mathematical optimization, computational complexity, and many-body physics. My contributions include analyzing quantum algorithms and architectures, as well as proving fundamental results in quantum complexity theory. I also work closely with experimentalists to develop practical schemes of quantum applications for current and near-term experimental implementations.

My Erdős number is 3.